Mercury Undercover is proud to join forces with some  really amazing non-profit organization that have been working for Карелия отдых летом туры some time in the issue of mercury pollution in our environment and dentistry.

Consumers for Dental Choice
a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation
Consumers for Dental Choice (CDC) was established in 1996 by consumer advocates, mercury poisoning victims, scientists and mercury-free dentists, and soon thereafter became a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. Our purpose is to educate the public about the health and environmental dangers of mercury fillings, and to ensure more effective government oversight on amalgam. Since the organization began, the number of amalgams placed have declined dramatically, from two-thirds of all fillings placed to one-third, and the number of mercury-free dentists has grown dramatically. But we will not be satisfied until mercury is no longer used in dentistry. As part of its educational work, Consumers for Dental Choice wants the full flow of non-deceptive information between dentists and patients. As such, we work to end the American Dental Association’s notorious “gag rule” which tries to silence mercury-free dentists, and the ADA’s promoting mercury amalgam under the deceptive term “silver.” We favor full disclosure of the risks of mercury fillings. It is important that research relied upon by federal agencies be based on science, so Consumers works to counter studies by non-independent or unqualified researchers that urge continuation of amalgam for spurious reasons such as “it’s good because we’ve used it for 150 years,” or a mixture of amalgam is like sodium and chloride is like table salt. Scientific research makes clear that mercury does not belong in dentistry. The environmental dangers of mercury fillings – from dental offices, from human waste, and from cremation – is alarming, and reason enough to end the use of amalgam. Consumers works to educate the public about the contribution of dentistry of toxic mercury to both human beings and the environment.

Charlie Brown

International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine
Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine
The Academy was founded in 1985 by two California dentists, Ed Arana and Gary Verigin. They had met the year before in a class featuring Reinhold Voll, MD. There, this German inventor of the diagnostic tool EAV (electroacupuncture according to Voll) spoke of a new field developing in Germany: biological dentistry. The practice was showing how illness can often be traced to oral-dental conditions, either as a cause or aggravating factor. It affirmed dentists as true medical specialists, not mere mechanics of teeth. German dentists were blending homeopathy, acupuncture and related remedies with standard clinical practice to help people support their bodies’ natural processes of self-healing. This hit home with Drs. Arana and Verigin. Each had long been dissatisfied with the “one tooth dentistry” practiced by most American dentists—an approach that sees the teeth and oral tissues as isolated from the rest of the body. They knew it just didn’t correspond with human physiology. Alone, each had sought something better. Both wanted a more informed dentistry. They saw biological dentistry as fully accounting for the systemic nature of health and illness, and the body’s self-regulating ability. They knew they were not alone.

Send inquiries to
19122 Camellia Bend Circle
Spring, Texas 77379



a non-profit organization based in Minnesota
DAMS stands for Dental Amalgam Mercury Solutions and it is a non-profit organization based in Minnesota, in the United States, educating the public on mercury amalgams and other ways that dentistry may affect health. Non-profits to the rescue. DAMS is a tax-exempt educational non-profit organization helping educate people in the US, Canada and elsewhere on these very important dental-health issues. People who wish to get their dental amalgam fillings removed should find knowledgeable practitioners who can remove amalgams safely, with elaborate precautions to protect the patient. Such knowledgeable dentists are not merely “mercury-free” or “cosmetic” dentists; they should be “holistic” or “biological” dentists, meaning that they pay attention to the effects that their work has on the whole person and on his/her underlying health. We must emphasize that it is very hazardous to have mercury amalgam fillings replaced by a “regular” (i.e. conventional) dentist who does not have the training and equipment to replace the amalgams with elaborate precautions. DAMS maintains a list of holistic (biological) dentists in every state and province who are trained and equipped to replace amalgams safely. Hopefully they will also use better choice replacement materials, use natural, less toxic approaches to gum health and decay prevention (no fluoride) and be aware of the hazards of root canal treatments. To request a list of knowledgeable practitioners in your

DAMS at 651-644-4572
Please e-mail us at


Got Mercury
A project of Turtle Island Restoration Network is part of Turtle Island Restoration Network’s efforts to protect the environment and the public from mercury. Because of the ubiquitious nature of mercury in our environment and because federal and state public health agencies are not doing enough to raise public awareness and protect the public from mercury, we developed This online tool takes the mystery out of which seafood is safe to eat with regard to the presence of mercury in certain species of seafood and allows consumers to make informed choices about eating seafood.

Contact Buffy Martin Tarbox Campaign Coordinator


Texas Campaign for the Environment Organization
Environmental Organization
TCE is dedicated to informing and mobilizing Texans to protect the quality of their lives, their health, their communities and the environment. We believe that people have a right to know and a right to act on issues that fundamentally affect their lives and future generations. E-Waste is Toxic Waste Electronic contain an array of toxic materials, including lead, mercury and PCB-like brominated flame retardants, among others. An old-style TV or computer monitor contains at least 4 pounds of lead, and flat panels contain mercury bulbs. The toxic flame-retardants (which cause cancer and birth defects in animal studies) are showing up in mother’s milk sample taken in Texas and in meat and dairy products in Texas supermarkets. Worldwide Contamination Unfortunately, many companies that claim to be recycling e-waste are actually exporting the toxic material to be dumped in developing nations overseas. This “sham recycling” is widespread and laregly unregulated. The toxins in our obsolete electronics are contaminating entire villages across the world, and e-waste exported to China appears to be a source of the lead in contaminated children’s jewlery being imported into the US! TCE is pressuring federal lawmakers and electronics manufacturers to end this shameful practice

For more info on TCE
Jeffrey Jacoby Program Director