Filmmakers Elizabeth Hong and Daniel Montoya have exposed the dangers of mercury toxicity and the connection to dental amalgam fillings. The FDA and ADA have been successful for many years in concealing the risk of amalgam from the public, even after the mountain of scientific research. Many scientists have  voiced how the mercury vapor from amalgam is highly absorbed by the body, once released from an amalgam-filled tooth, mercury in the form of nonreactive mercury vapor goes from your mouth to your lungs, then to your brain via your bloodstream. A common enzyme in your body called catalase converts (oxidizes) mercury vapor into the “Hg2+” form, which is VERY toxic, and traps it inside your cells Once here, it is very difficult for your body to remove it. Amalgam fillings contain more mercury than any other product sold in America. Why is this toxic product still on the market and what is the political pressure that stands in the way? This revealing documentary features interviews with scientists, doctors, victims along with forward thinking attorneys who reveal the shocking truth.


I strongly encourage you to watch the new documentary film Mercury Undercover, which exposes just how far those in power will go to prevent you from learning the truth about mercury contamination from dental amalgam all in the name of money.
Dr. Joseph Mercola

Have you ever wondered how much mercury you encounter in your lifetime? This gripping documentary breaks down why mercury is toxic, what mercury poisoning does to your health and what we can do to protect ourselves and future generations. ‘Mercury Undercover’ is a groundbreaking new documentary exposing the dirty truth about the real dangers of mercury.
Dr. Edward Group

The producers clearly knew the message that they wanted to get across and they selected recognized experts to share “the real skinny” on how we’ve been duped into believing that mercury is safe — when the EPA lists it as an incredible neurotoxin! Everyone needs to know the information contained in this fast-paced DVD!

Dr. John Park Trowbridge

This video is very telling. I sometimes wonder why we pay the FDA salaries. If a dentist is taught in dental school that they can’t touch mercury directly or breathe it in preparation of fillings, well how in the world can it make sense that dental patients have their mouths full of it, run hot beverages over it, crush down their foods with it and then if they have the courage to have it removed, they don’t have their mouths isolated and noses and eyes covered in the procedure just like the dental professionals do? You have to go to a biological or holistic dentist to get basic safeguards in your removal procedures! What?! Why don’t all dentists have to abide by these patient safeguards? I’d have a lot more faith in government if they would deliver on the regulatory safeguards they boast. As it is, it’s just shallow promises with little to no protection delivered, much like the pink slime in our kids’ school lunches…It’s well past time that Americans stopped waiting for other people to watch out for their health. Have a look at “smoking teeth poison gas” on youtube. Not as good as this video but well full of information someone with metal fillings should be aware of.

So many people are ignorant about the danger of mercury. I had no idea until I watched this movie. I’m becoming a big fan of docs.
Linda J Nelson

Great movie! Lots of information! Highly recommend! Mercury undercover is loaded with lots of information. EVERYONE needs to see this movie.

This movie has SOOOOO much info, a must see for anyone questioning mercury….very surreal and scary how much they revel…worth watching!!!!

Mercury Undercover hits the mark for producer, director and writer, Elizabeth Hong, in tackling the almighty ADA and its long-term travesty of health in the form of dental “amalgam” fillings. I find it hard to believe that people have actually been duped into allowing their local dentists to put TOXIC mercury PERMANENTLY into their mouths! Millions and millions of times! Nevertheless, this articulate and informative expose of the subject should cause many to reconsider this practice in pursuing greater health and less chronic disease for themselves. Perhaps even a dentist or two will reflect that they are putting the same substance into their patient’s mouths that the EPA warns us so emphatically about — and that even the ADA cautions dentist in PREPARING to implant into their patient’s teeth.

A must see film- the future of your health depends on it! Mercury Undercover is an important film that reveals shocking truths about the use of mercury, in the U.S. and other countries, and explores the tragic outcomes mercury has played in the lives of regular people. This film reveals, through easy to understand science, why you don’t want mercury, the second most potent neurotoxin on earth, in your body. If a mercury thermometer breaks in a school Hazmat is called to clean it up, so why is it still allowed in U.S. products? Mercury Undercover reveals this and more . It is a film not to be missed, the very future of your health depends on it!
Shiloh Levine

I can’t believe this movie is not on TV! I actually had to watch it twice because I miss the beginning… Anyways, the story and reality behind this films is outstanding and it really opens your eyes about the hypocrisy of politicians and some malfunctions in the system. A sad but true reality. Amalgam fillings are still legal. Please watch, also the health information is great, specially when the homeopathic medicine and chelation processes occur. I will show this movie to my family on thanksgiving. Thank you!
Google User

So Informative A must See To Believe I learned about this documentary at a party while talking about mercury poison. It is hard to believe that some dentist are still using mercury amalgams, yes… the silver thing in my teeth. This lady was sharing how she was ill for a while without knowing she was been poison by her “silver amalgam fillings”. I was so affected by her story, the next day I purchase the film. The subject matter is complex but the filmmakers and doctors made it easy to understand. Great documentary, one of those films that offers helpful information. Don’t believe the haters, mercury can poison the human body. How can people still think is conspiracy after seen how mercury destroyed a brain neuron in the film?
Dalia Martinez