DAMS stands for Dental Amalgam Mercury Solutions and it is a non-profit organization based in Minnesota, in the United States, educating the public on mercury amalgams and other ways that dentistry may affect health.
Non-profits to the rescue. DAMS is a tax-exempt educational non-profit organization helping educate people in the US, Canada and elsewhere on these very important dental-health issues. People who wish to get their dental amalgam fillings removed should find knowledgeable practitioners who can remove amalgams safely, with elaborate precautions to protect the patient. Such knowledgeable dentists are not merely “mercury-free” or “cosmetic” dentists; they should be “holistic” or “biological” dentists, meaning that they pay attention to the effects that their work has on the whole person and on his/her underlying health.
We must emphasize that it is very hazardous to have mercury amalgam fillings replaced by a “regular” (i.e. conventional) dentist who does not have the training and equipment to replace the amalgams with elaborate precautions. DAMS maintains a list of holistic (biological) dentists in every state and province who are trained and equipped to replace amalgams safely. Hopefully they will also use better choice replacement materials, use natural, less toxic approaches to gum health and decay prevention (no fluoride) and be aware of the hazards of root canal treatments. To request a list of knowledgeable practitioners in your state of province.
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